



2nd China Cultural Industry Summit Forum

2015/01/28 15:45:40 From锛欳CIA

On January 18th, 2014, "China Cultural Industry Person of the Year 2013", which was hosted by Guangming Daily, announced a total of 10 cultural industry luminaries in Beijing. Mr. Zhang Bin, President of the CCIA, and Mr. Zhang Yu, Vice President of CCIA and Chairman of CAEG won the honors. Mr. Ma Huateng and Mr. Jia Yueting, Vice Presidents of CCIA, had been nominated.

On January 19th, 2014, China Cultural Industry Summit Forum was held by Guangming Daily. The discussions were surrounding the themes of "Reform, Integration and Openness", which explored in depth the path of China';s cultural industry development. Mr. Zhang Bin, President of CCIA, Mr. Zhang Yu, Vice President of CCIA, and Mr. Xiong Chengyu, Consultant of CCIA and Director of National Research Center of Cultural Industries in Tsinghua University, respectively took parts in different themed dialogues. Mr. Zhang Bin spoke at the themed dialogue of "Open to show the charm of Chinese culture".